Hello everyone,
Life in the time of the coronavirus is constantly changing, and here we will attempt to provide you the most up-to-date information as it relates to your eye health and care.
All public and private elective surgery has now recommenced, but we are busy dealing with the backlog of people who were not operated on during the weeks of theatre closures.
Elective surgery by definition means it can wait, and non-urgent public operations may now not be operated within the 365 day time frame as booked. Emergency surgery can still be performed, but the decision as to what is an emergency and how urgent it is, will be made by the relevant hospitals. We have input into this, but we do not have control over it.
We remain open in the Alstonville rooms to care for anyone who is concerned about their eye health, to provide injections for macular degeneration and other needed treatments, to see all emergencies and to see you for your routine checkup, as long as you are happy to come in and see us.
If you are not sure what to do, please call us on 02 6687 2433 and ask.
We cannot see you if:
· You have been overseas or in an interstate 'hotspot' within the last two weeks
· You have been in close contact with anyone with coronavirus
· You have symptoms of a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, aches and pains, tiredness or headaches.
If you have any of these, please call us before coming in and we will make other arrangements for you to be taken care of.
If you would like to be seen, but are concerned about coming in to the clinic, please call the rooms and we will help you decide whether you need to come in person, or whether we can help you over the phone.
Doctor is available for telemedicine consultations but these rarely apply in the case of eyes. Without testing your vision, looking into your eyes and checking your pressures, and sometimes performing extra tests, it is impossible to provide complete care, and we can do none of this via a computer or a telephone!
We have always been very thorough and care-full with our hygiene here, and now we are even more so. We are fully compliant with all NSW Health guidelines and take all the precautions needed to minimise the spread of any infection, including coronavirus. Our office is light and airy with plenty of room, so it is easy for us to maintain the social distances required while you are waiting. You can also wait outside or in your car and we can call you in when we are ready to see you.
We are all well, and plan on remaining so and are doing everything we can to care for ourselves and each other deeply at this time. We look forward to seeing you and serving you soon,
With love,
Dr Anne Malatt